Revitalize means to regenerate, re-energize, and breathe new life into. I took some time off these past few days after running the Peachtree Road Race to spend time with my family and simply relax. We had a great time enjoying our extended family and some refreshing lake time! It's amazing how much a little R&R will do for your spirit.
I didn't realize how much I needed a break until I was actually taking one. I'll admit I was pretty anxious while away thinking about all the things I needed to catch up with at home and work. I had to essentially unplug from the world to allow for my mind and body to really get refreshed. Unfortunately, the lake house just got internet a few weeks ago which made it a much greater struggle. I sent a few emails while away, however in all it maybe added up to 10 minutes of work. It was truly a "time away" and a time I could really devote to being relaxed and refreshed.
Anne Lamott says, "Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes...including you."
Lori Deschene said, "Life is all about balance. You don't always need to be getting stuff done. Sometimes it perfectly ok, and absolutely necessary, to shut down, kick back, and do nothing."
When can you honestly look back and say you rested? I mean really rested!
I was talking with a friend the other day and we were talking about beach vacations and how they were not really vacations. Beach vacations with kids is honestly another part time job! It's hard work to get everything loaded up in the van, kids sunscreen on and then spend the next 8 hours pulling them on boogie boards, fishing, running in the water, playing chase, jumping over the waves, building sand castles, and more! Don't get me wrong, I LOVE PLAYING WITH MY KIDS! I wouldn't trade it for the world! They are my whole world and I would play with them all day long if I could. I'm simply saying after a week at the beach, I don't feel that I've gotten any rest or much less feel revitalized!
Here's my challenge for you as the summer draws to a end; spend some time getting revitalized. That may mean a vacation or simply a day just kicking back and relaxing. Whatever it is for you, find the time and get revitalized, re-energized, rejuvenated and maybe even a little revived!
Charles Spurgeon said, "Rest time is not waste time. It is economy to gather fresh is wisdom to take occasional furlough. In the long run we shall do more by sometimes doing less."
"Come to me all who are weary and carry burdens and I will give you rest." -Matthew 11:28
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