Getting out of the bed...

Today we keep going...keep pushing on!

How bad do you want it?

Last night was a late night for me. We're leaving for Nashville in the morning so there was a lot to get done in preparation for our trip. As always, we had something going on that night (my sons t-ball end of the year party) which made for a late night even later. 

When my alarm went off this morning at 4:52am, all I could think about was going back to bed! 

I thought about it for a few seconds and slowly rolled over and sat up. 

What did I think about?

What was my mind telling my body, that caused it to get up out of those nice cool sheets with the fan blowing so slightly and ambient music gracefully playing in the background? 

What was it that my mind told my body?

Two things:
#1. "You set a goal to get up and run. Now do it!"
#2. I thought back to every time I got up early and struggled with the morning. I thought about my morning devotional time. I thought about my morning prayer time and I thought about my morning routine. (Wake up, Run, Spark, Devo, Prayer, Blog, Spark and Time w/ my wife before the kids get up...)

My mind looked at my tired and somewhat sore body and said, your family deserves a father who is mentally and spiritually prepared for the day. Your work deserves a leader, boss and co-worker that is spiritually and mentally prepared for the day. 

You see, my "Why to" get up and get going was greater then my "Why not". 

Here's my why not to...because I'm tired and a little sore. 

My mind told my body to get up because my family and my calling deserves a prepared man, rather then one a little tired and sore. 

Let's do this! 

What is the one thing in your life that you need to do that could drastically change the outcome of your day, each and every day? Is it a new daily routine? To wake up earlier? To set a few goals? 

Whatever it is, get up and get after it! There are people counting on you!

"O Lord, be gracious to us; we long for you. Be our strength every morning, our salvation in time of distress." -Isaiah 33:2 NIV


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