Up Before the Birds...

This morning as I left the house to run, it seemed unusually quiet out. It had rained last night night so there was a continuous dripping sound as the water feel from the trees and down the drain. It was slightly cooler as well which caused a slight fog to sit right on top of the road. It was just a dreary kind of morning.

However, like every morning it was time to run so I got after it!

I was half way finished when I ran under a low tree limb that was weighted down by the rain and I splashed through a puddle. I didn't make a tone of noise, however I had awaken the birds. One of them must have been dreaming really good because he flew right at me.

I continued to run and while I did I had this thought...I have awaken the birds.

I've always heard the saying "early bird gets the worm", however this morning I was getting the worm.

Jayne Cox says, "It is easier to wake up early and work out than it is to look in the mirror each day and not like what you see."

I was thinking back to some of the changes I've made over this past year. (It's the last day of school for our area) and waking up 2 hours earlier has really been monumental. Here's what I've been able to accomplish in just 2 hours...morning devotional and prayer time, morning kitchen clean up and blogging and a morning run almost the length of a 5k every morning.

Just 2 hours has given me a new outlook on life! You can read back through some of my blogs to see how this new me as evolved, however I'll leave you this morning with this...

Psalm 5:3 says, "O Lord, in the morning you will hear my voice; in the morning I will direct my prayer to you, and I will watch expectantly."

Get up early and present your request to the Lord and then wait. Wait expectantly to what God is going to do with your life today. Today you can make a difference in your life and the life of someone else. What's holding you back?

"Every morning you have two choices: continue to sleep with your dreams, or wake up and chase them." -Carmelo Anthony


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