The Finish Line...

I rounded the final curve headed home from my morning run and started to pick up the pace. My foot had stopped hurting (which almost caused me to stay in bed) and I started into a full out sprint. I wanted to finish strong! 

I could now see my mailbox; where I would stop running to start my cool down walk. I ran faster and faster until I was there. I had crossed the imaginary finish line (aka my mailbox). 

As I was crossing the imaginary finish line I noticed that I had slowed down a little. Why did I do this I thought to myself? I slowed down because to me the finish line was where I was done. I noticed something different this morning though...if I was to stop every time I got to the finish line, I wasn't going to win the race. I've watched professional runners (mostly sprinters) run as fast as they can to the finish line and then stop. Not instantaneously of course, however their speed had decreased just a fraction of their full potential just feet maybe inches before they crossed the line. 

Here's the problem I noticed this morning and maybe a problem with many of us today. Our finish line is the end. 

The finish line isn't the end! It's the beginning to a whole new race. 

I noticed something this morning that I won't ever forget. I must set my finish line a few feet after the actual finish line, or I'll slow down before I even get to the line. I've always heard and even told others to "finish strong" and today I didn't. I slowed down before I hit the finish line. 

Well, today I realized that if you stop at the finish line, you'll lose. Set your mental mark a few feet after the finish line and finish strong. 

The race isn't over, there will be another day. Another challenge awaits, another finish line to cross. Always give it your best and don't stop pursuing what you love!

"The finish line is just the beginning of a whole new race." -Susan Saint James

"...let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus the pioneer and perfecter of faith..." -Hebrews 12:1b-2a


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