
Resources...what are they really?

Most of the things we are trying to accomplish in life don't cost much. I love this quote by Seth Godin, "You have everything you need, to build something far bigger than yourself." If you're trying to get make an A on a final exam you need to study the books you have. Not buy a bunch of new ones.

However, I did drop a couple bucks yesterday at Walmart. Here's what less than $20 got me...

1. Reflective Arm/Ankle Bands ($5)
2. Reflective Smart Phone Holder for Running ($8)

I set a goal a while ago to run every morning, and though I didn't need anything specific to run it was a boost in moral this morning with my new gear on.

When we set goals think of the things you'll need to accomplish those goals. Ask yourself what tangible things would help me accomplish my goal? For me, $20 got me safety and a place for my key and phone.

When my wife started working out, she went out and bought a new pair of shoes and a few workout outfits. (She went to Target for the outfits and of course had to get some nice shoes...however it was definitely worth it. She's been working out for over 2 years!)

I have a friend that uses a website that holds you accountable for your goals. For each day he doesn't get up early and walk (one of his goals), he has to pay a group he despises $5. In his case it is the political party he is NOT in favor of. (talk about motivation, lol)

What small price will help you achieve your goals?

Maybe it doesn't even have to cost you anything! Most of the time it probably won't.

I want to be a better father - so I bought a book about being a better dad.
I want to be a better husband - so I've made more time in my calendar for my wife. I've even added reminders to when I need to purchase gifts. (Birthday, Mothers day, Valentines day, Memorial Day...why not? ;)
I want to be a better employee - so I try and say hello to everyone in the office as soon as I get in.

What are your goals? What do you want to do better? What greatness are you trying to achieve?

What small price will help you accomplish those goals?

Spend the $20 or whatever it is, and get started!

Honestly for many of us, getting started won't cost anything!

"A little bit of attention can go a long way." -Nicholas D. Kristof

"My God will meet all your needs according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus." -Philippians 4:19


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