Inspiration and Breath...
The definition of inspiration is this...
1. The process of being mentally stimulated to do or feel something, especially to do something creative.
2. The drawing in of breath. Inhalation.
Wow! The very definition of inspiration is inspiring. (Definition taken from Google)
I think it's ironic that the second part of that definition involves breathing. This means that every day as we're carrying on our own business with the world and those around us, we are also inspiring it. Huh? What if we thought every time we took a breath, we could inspire someone or ourselves? How would our days be different?
I actually like Merriam-Websters Definition of Inspiration better. It goes like this...
1. A divine influence or action on a person believed to qualify him or her to receive and communicate sacred revelation.
2. The act of drawing in specifically the act of drawing air into the lungs.
Again, the very idea of breathing is inspiration.
However, lets look at divine influence. What does that even mean?
Since the 14th century people have been using the word inspiration or in Latin inspiratus as a way of understanding a divine calling on ones life. As we literally take in breaths we are reminded that we are designed by God, for God, to do the work of God in this world. Our divine "inspiration" is only natural. It's what we were made for.
I really believe most people don't fully realize what it means to be created by God and for God.
Think about it...God the maker and creator of all things (everything from microorganisms to galaxies far, far away), created you for a specific purpose. There's only 1 you (even if you're a twin), and God has a very specific purpose for you. The purpose to inspire and live fully. That's pretty intense and amazing! The One that made it all, made you and has a very specific purpose for your life. Wow!
Not only does God have a purpose for your life, but with every breathe you take that purpose is revealed to the world around you.
So today, when you breathe, remember that God has divinely created you to inspire!
Who are you going to inspire today? How will you use your inspiration to breathe life into the world around you?
"Breathe is a symbol of life, deeper the breath greater the victory of life over threatening irritants". -Tasneem Hameed
"I wake up everyday and I think 'I'm breathing! It's a good day'" -Eve Ensler
"As long as your breathing, it's never to late to do some good." -Maya Angelou
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