The Gym...

About a week ago I finally went to the gym with my wife. She started going to this gym by our house a few years ago and LOVES IT! (Side note: I'm so proud of her for sticking with it over these past few years! That's takes discipline and strength!) On Saturdays they allow couples to work out together for free which meant on that Saturday I went with her. I had been before, however I wasn't expecting to get the but kicking I received. After we finished our workout (aka, death) and I was able to get myself off the floor, we talked with the gym owners for a few minutes. My wife explained to them that I was training for a Spartan Race and shocked to find out that they were going to be participating in the same thing. Well, kind of...They had actually signed up for the Spartan Sprint (3-4 miles and 15 obstacles). I was signed up for the Spartan Super (8-10 miles and 20+ obstacles). They were impressed, however concerned all at the same time and now I was too. If the owner...