Taking Out the Trash...

It's Friday, which means it's Trash Day! 

I'm very thankful for this service in the U.S. and all the men and women that make it possible. I know there are counties all around the world that don't have the infrastructure to have their trash collected. I do greatly appreciate this aspect of our country and the simplicity it brings to our lives. 

With that being said, as a neighborhood runner it really stinks. It literally stinks. 

On Fridays when I run I usually run a longer distance outside of the neighborhood, simply to avoid the smell of the trash. Most trashcans don't smell all that bad, however the ones that are so packed full the tops are open and trash is just oozing out, those are the bad ones. Those are the ones I have to hold my breath as I run by a little faster. 

This morning I was reminded by these amazing trashcans that there are a few bags of trash in my life I need to throw out. There are things that are holding me back from living fully as a father, husband, leader, co-worker and person. 

The bible says this, "So get rid of your old self, which made you life as you used to - the old self that was being destroyed be its deceitful desires. Your hearts and minds must be completely made new." -Ephesians 4:22-23

I really believe each week (if not 2/3/4/+ times a week) we need to take a deep look at our lives and the trash we're accumulating. What has built up that you need to throw out? Is it spending to much time on Facebook or at work, and not with those that you love? Is it a bad habit that needs to be thrown out? Is it a person that always brings you down that you need to stay away from? 

Whatever it is, as you take the trash out this morning (or whenever) take a second to reflect on the things you need to "take out" of your life? 

"Life is overflowing with the new. But it is necessary to empty the old to make room for the new to enter." -Eileen Caddy 

Ask God to help you remove the stinky garbage in your life to make room for new things ahead. 

Socrates said, "The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new." 

Throw out the old and start your day refreshed and ready to go! 

Happy Friday!!! 

Thought this was pretty good too...
"You hang out with trash, you start to smell like garbage." -Caroline Manzo


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