Life's Not Easy...

Have you ever wanted life to be easy?

What if you could simply close your eyes and all your dreams would come true? Your life would be perfect wouldn't it?

My parents used to say that life's not always easy. I'm sure you've heard that or a version of that before. So why isn't life easy?

Simply put, there's sin in the world. There are evil forces (sin) that cause people to do horrible things. Life's not easy because for many of us we try to define life by our own standards and means. We have an unrealistic picture of life that is not attainable.

What do I mean?

I'm not saying don't have big dreams and set lofty goals. What I'm saying is; through prayer and practice, run after the one who created You in the first place! Run after God's will and the rest will fall into place.

Bruce Lee said, "Do not pray for an easy life, pray for the strength to endure a difficult one."

I saw this next quote somewhere and it really hit me in the face...

"Life is the most difficult exam...Many people FAIL because they try to COPY OTHERS...Not realizing everyone has a Different Set of Questions." -Unknown

As we go through life a lot of times it becomes harder and harder because we're trying to be someone else. Stop trying to be someone else and simply just be you. Be the best version of you, you can be. How?

Start reading the word of God daily (start with the Book of Mark) and pray. Ask God to reveal himself to you and ask God to reveal to you who you really are.

"You are the light of the world. A city on a hill can not be the same way let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven." -Matthew 5:14-16

Also check out Colossians 1:16.

Life's not easy, but that's ok. Find out who you are and run after it! Life will not always be easy, but at the end of the day hopefully you can say you have truly lived as yourself.


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