New Opportunities...

This week I have a new role in the mornings overseeing 155+ Student Volunteers. I have their room all set up, my "Hype" speech prepared, snacks ready to be eaten, scheduled printed and put on the walls, check-in and check-out procedures handled and lanyards ready to be picked up! I think I have it all covered...

I've never done this particular job before, however am truly excited for the opportunity. For some overseeing 155+ Middle and High School students sounds miserable. To you I simply share this quote from Neale Donald Walsh, "Life begins at the end of your comfort zone". 

I know things will need to be tweaked, but that's life. With every new opportunity, there is room for growth and failure. We've got to remember that we're going to have both. We should have both. It's ok to have both. With failure we grow and with growth, we often fail. 

Henry Ford said, "Failure is the opportunity to begin again more intelligently."

Whatever you're doing today, this week that is new; work at it with all your heart and don't be afraid at failure. It's a new opportunity. You're supposed to fail. Do it, get through it and do better next time! 

Happy Monday! 

"I press on toward the goal to win the prize  for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus." -Philippians 4:13 NIV

Side Note: Sorry for the short blog. I've got 155 students waiting on me! 


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