
Have you ever ran a race or taken a long drive somewhere? Have you ever started a puzzle or maybe a game of monopoly? If you've been to school you've probably written a paper or two or worked on a lengthy project. What about doing your taxes or catching up on yard work; have you ever done any of those things?

If you have you probably know what it feels like to be patient and work hard. To start something with passion and determination and then over time get a little winded or burned out.

Let's take doing a puzzle for example.

Growing up my grandparents always had puzzles at their house. As kids we loved getting them out because the picture on the box was of an incredible landscape and the idea of trying to piece together 2000 pieces was exhilarating. (not really sure why)

We would open the box eager to get going and would start by flipping all the pieces over so that you could see what they were. We started working on the outside corners and then worked our way in. After about 20 minutes we had barely finished the outside square and were already wanting to quit. Maybe even for a few minutes we would. My grandmother would always keep the puzzle out and we would work on it throughout the day. I'm not sure if we ever finished one, however we sure had some great discussions around them.

I read this in my morning devotion and it stuck out to me as to where I'm at right now. It comes from the Bible, 2 Timothy 4:7 which says "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith".

I haven't finished the race yet, however I was reminded that there is an end in sight. We don't know when it will be here or how much further we have to go. We do don't know how many pieces are left of the puzzle or who's going to help us along the way. We do however know that there is a finish line. There is an end.

I pray that I can finish the race by saying "I have fought the good fight" and "I have kept the faith". It's not easy, but it's what we're supposed to do.

Keep fighting! Keep running! Keep the faith!

"Keep positive and keep pushing on and things will turn around." -Conor McGregor


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