Spiderwebs and Cramps...

Have you ever walked or ran early in the morning? Have you ever been the first one to walk down a trail or on a path? Have you ever walked to your car parked in the driveway or an outside parking space after work? 

If so, you've probably experienced the "spiderweb in the face dilemma"?

You may know the feeling...out of nowhere you're pulling those thin strings of webbing off of your body (most of the time in my case it's from my face) and frantically flailing to get whatever spider may be on you, off. 

Have you ever experienced this? 

When I was 19 I thru-hiked the Appalachian Trail and remember every time I woke up early to go walk, I would constantly run right into these things. I learned my lesson quickly, and so did everyone else on the trail which made for some longer mornings in the tent. (lol)

As I ran this morning I probably hit at least a 5 or 6 spider webs hanging from mailboxes to trees and everywhere in between. It didn't stop me though. I also had a cramp at one point, which didn't stop me as well. 

As I contemplated stopping to walk out my cramp or double/triple check the spider situation I thought to myself, "If I stop now, it's going to be really hard to start back up". 

Have you ever had that feeling? If you were to stop now, whatever it is your working on or striving towards just because of a little distraction or a couple of stomach pains, it would be hard to start back up. 

This morning I kept going. I kept going because I knew if I stopped it would be much harder to start back up again. 

Grant Gomez says, "It doesn't matter how slow you go just as long as you don't stop". 

Before I wrap up, I know there are situations and things we truly must stop and those aren't the things I'm talking about. 

I'm talking about the things that we can work through. The things that we are challenged by that make us better. The things we push ourselves on that develop character within and teach us new life skills. 

I'm talking about the everyday things we "stop doing" because things got a little tough. Because a stupid little non-poisonous spider web hit us in the face and because of a cramp we just had to stop and make go away.

Don't ever stop! Life is not easy, get over it! 

It's going to be tough, that's reality! 

The Bible says in Romans 8:18, "For I consider the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us." 

That's pretty powerful! Keep running! Don't stop when it tough! You're stronger and have the power within you through the Holy Spirit to press on through whatever life may smack you in the face wth. 

"Destiny belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams and have the courage to pursue it. Don't stop when you're tired, stop when you're done." -Sri Sri


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