
Have you ever been stuck?

This morning it happened to me! I took the past two days off from running and blogging, simply because I had a few late nights that led to later wake-up times. I wasn't able to run or blog those mornings because of these all day events. These are my excuses, which are straight up baloney.

I could have run in the afternoons and honestly blogged anytime during the day. I'm not sure when I lost that motivation, but it happened.

Last night I went to be super early in hopes for a great re-start to an early morning run and blog. Then it happened...I got stuck.

I got stuck inside my house because it was raining uncontrollably outside! Ahhhhhh!!!! I just wanted to go run to get back in rhythm with my week to week schedule and I couldn't. The rain wasn't the only obstacle, it was also full blown thunderstorm out.

I sat on the couch defeated, wondering if I should go back to bed or figure this thing out. After a few minutes of contemplating and drinking my Advocare Spark it dawned on me...why don't I just run in place here in my house?

For the next 20 minutes I jogged in place, in my kids play room simply staring at the wall. 5,299 steps later I was finished. I had ran an entire 5k barefoot and in one simple location. Why did I do it? Why didn't I just wait till the afternoon or when the rain stopped?

Here's why! I had been stuck for two days and the motivation at 5:00am to do something hit me. Have you ever had that happen? Have you ever "out of the blue" felt motivated to do something? What was it? (comment below)

We all get stuck in life from time to time. How do you get unstuck?

Mandy Hale says, "Growth is painful. Change is painful. But nothing is as painful as staying stuck somewhere you don't belong."

Do you need help getting unstuck?

Psalm 32:8 says, "I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will coulee you with my loving eye on you." If you need a hand getting unstuck, why not ask God to help you? Throughout scripture, promise is found for those who are just stuck. Maybe that's being stuck in a relationship that's not good, or with a situation you've been struggling with. Whatever it is, get unstuck. Ask for Gods help and know there's always a way out! A way forward!

Wayne Dyer said, "You are not stuck where you are unless you decide to be."

Keith Yamashita said, "You have to develop your own unique method of getting unstuck. If you truly want to be great, you have to find your rhythm, you have to find your pattern of how you do it."

During my 30 minutes of prep and writing for this blog, my computer has crashed and nearly deleted my entire post. I had to restart and wait on a super long freeze screen. Regardless, when you're stuck...figure out a way to get unstuck and get moving forward!

"The first step towards getting somewhere is to decide that you are not going to stay where you are." -John Pierpont Morgan


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