
Fuel is what keeps a car moving. It is what is burned to create energy and power so that can turn our lights on and enjoy the hot summer in our air conditioned homes. Fuel literally helps the world keep moving forward. I'm not going to advocate for cleaner fuel options or anything like that here, my point is simply that fuel is what keeps things moving. 

What keeps you moving forward? Not literally moving forward, but metaphorically moving forward? What jump starts your day?

What do you put into your head, body and soul that pushes you to greatness? 

For me there are a few things that give me the fuel I need to get my day started right, however I'm only going to really share about one here. 

Everyday I receive in my inbox and email from Susie Larson. Susie is a talk radio host, speaker and author. I found out about her from a short radio segment that came on right before I got to work in the mornings and fell in love with how inspiring her words were. Her morning devotions quickly had a impact on me and now are a part of my weekly meetings with staff.

Who inspires you? Who helps fuel your daily drive? 

This morning her blog said this:

May you begin to see your setbacks as temporary, your delays as detours, and your heartbreaks as opportunities to experience God's precious, powerful healing. And in the meantime, may God give you glimpses of glory, insights into His good plan for you. Be assured that God has never left your side; He'll never let you go. May God help you see with supernatural insight so that you won't be deceived by the enemy of your soul, or by your past painful filters, or by your fears of the future. In fact, right here--in this place--may your divine perspective hugely inspire your faith steps. You are mighty in God and He is mighty in you. - 6/21/17 Devotion Title: Setbacks are Temporary

Can you see why I fell in love with radio segment? The adjectives she uses to describe a feeling or desire are amazing. She definitely has a way with words! 

So, what fuels you? 

Zig Ziglar says, "Motivation is the fuel, necessary to keep the human engine going." 

What keeps your engine going? What motivates you? Who inspires you? 

Keep pursuing greatness and keep being fueled by those you look up to. Keep putting into your mind, body and soul what you wish to give out. If that's inspiration, find someone and something that inspires you. If that's love, find someone that loves you. If that's hope, find someone or something that gives you hope. 

Mia Hamm said, "I am building a fire, and everyday I train, I add more fuel. At just the right moment, I light the match." 

Who and what fuels you? Comment below...

What and what are you fueling? Comment below...

My Literal Fuel...
Every morning after I run, I drink a nice cool glass of Advocare Spark. If you're interested in getting some of this, let me know


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