
Have you ever been stuck? This morning it happened to me! I took the past two days off from running and blogging, simply because I had a few late nights that led to later wake-up times. I wasn't able to run or blog those mornings because of these all day events. These are my excuses, which are straight up baloney. I could have run in the afternoons and honestly blogged anytime during the day. I'm not sure when I lost that motivation, but it happened. Last night I went to be super early in hopes for a great re-start to an early morning run and blog. Then it happened...I got stuck. I got stuck inside my house because it was raining uncontrollably outside! Ahhhhhh!!!! I just wanted to go run to get back in rhythm with my week to week schedule and I couldn't. The rain wasn't the only obstacle, it was also full blown thunderstorm out. I sat on the couch defeated, wondering if I should go back to bed or figure this thing out. After a few minutes of contemplating...